Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Mythological critiscism Essays - Culture, Monsters,

Mythological critiscism Mythological critiscism is almost any mythical (fictional) novel; this could also include: mythical creatures (dragons, goblins, Roman gods, etcetra...) and/or actions (magic, people with super powers and so on). Mythical novels are usually written based up on anthropology, psychology, history and religion. History and religion impact mythical writing almost the same way. Because they are both about ancient stories and cultures; both are impacting the writer's thinking process the same way (based on cutlure). Psychologically: this would be the writing effected by the writer's thinking process which is combined between culture and how they were treated in life, past experiances and childhood memories. If we have a look on different mythical books, such as: Harry potter, Ergaon, A dance with the dragons, or The lightining thief, we'll see how much they vary. The huge diffrences are unbelievable.These have almost no simliarities, unlike any other genre, that have very similar plots and concepts. I personally really like these kinds of books. They let you see how the author thinks. They open a door of imagination, where there are no limits what so ever. They show you a whole new world, a world where anything and anyone could be anything or anyone. "A monster calls" analysis It's a story about a little kid who has a lot going on in his life. His mother is sick and his father lives miles away. While he also faces a lot of troubles from his bullies in school and is pressured by his grandmother who he lives with. No one seems to make things any better, and nothing seems to be improving in general. Until one day a tree monster appears by his window. He guides him through that stage of his life, and helps him get through it by wisdom. The story obviously has a mythical creature out of imagination which is the tree monster. We can see how much anger the protagainst has towards the world; which might be a refliction of how the author himself is. It might also be due to childhood memories. The tree monster is big and scary, yet he's wise and kind, he helps people. The author might have wanted to send a message that consists of that not everything that's ugly has to be bad, breaking the usual stereotype. The protagainst is ayoung kid, yet he wasn't scared of the monster, which shows how much pain changes people and encourges them.

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